First-Year Experience

First-year experience programs have been shown to improve Freshman retention rates. These classes bring together smaller groups of students with faculty with a goal of improving student success while focusing on a specific subject. This experience allows students an opportunity to immerse themselves in college life and get to know faculty. Students get to ask questions about relevant issues which can reduces anxiety and set the student up for success.

Some colleges are now offering Meta Majors, where the first year experience includes a cluster of classes on topics such as community support, time management, study skills, majors and careers, and building relationships with professors, classmates, and advisors.

Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects

Mentored research, practicums, field-based learning, service learning, and study abroad can enhance learning.

Students might do intensive and self-directed projects in an area of their interest while being mentored by a faculty member. These students are able to produce scholarly papers or projects that help them grow academically and mature. Many times these works are displayed on campus or the student is given the chance to present them in a professional setting off campus.

Small, Interactive Classes

Smaller class size usually means there will be opportunity to engage in a unique way. It’s likely there will be more discussion, less lecturing – more interaction, less lecturing. Classroom projects, student presentations, debate…these are most common in classes with limited enrollment. Content (a.k.a. subject matter) is best absorbed when given in a variety of ways. None of us learn the same way.


Before spending years pursuing a career you think you want, it may be beneficial to take advantage of an internship. Colleges have information about career opportunities associated with their intended major.

Internships give students a chance to learn about an industry or academic area, and internships help students make their resumes so much more impactful. This can be an excellent when you’re planning to go to graduate school. An internship also looks good to prospective employers.

Study Abroad

College is the perfect time to experience different cultures. Studying abroad allows students to do just that, and there are  opportunities available at other colleges that will be unique to your particular interests.

Strong Writing Programs

We still communicate extensively through writing. Of course, writing programs can help good writers become better, but they can also elevate a student’s skill to a level that will get them recognized. Writing is something business o oneโ€™s ability to do so coherently can make the difference between a successful or mediocre career. Writing comes in many forms and is valuable to those in business and medicine and engineering and technology and …..

Removing Obstacles 

Colleges are getting better at removing obstacles which, in the past, have reduced their retention rates and brought down their rankings.  Among the changes are eliminating complicated and unnecessary degree requirements, accepting more credits from other institutions, offering online courses, expanding course availability, simplifying degree requirements, and providing support for students with all learning styles.

Service Learning

Students today have an awareness of issues affecting the entire globe. Our impact on the world and on our closest neighbors are important.  We are connected in a global way to a degree never before experienced by a generation of students. Service learning adds value to what is being taught in classrooms. Students seek these opportunities and colleges are realizing the need to incorporate this involvement into their curriculum.