Did you know that your student can only add 10 activities to their Common App and that they only have 100 characters to describe what they accomplished? That is NOT a lot of real estate to showcase your amazing student.

10 slots and only 100 characters is just not enough to describe the activities that your student may have participated in. At Annapolis College Consulting, we offer each of our students access to a DIGITAL PORTFOLIO by Lifestream Digital Memory Box. This digital resume brings activities to life. Adding this LINK to your application may make a difference in the way admissions officers view your student.

Our kids use this LIFESTREAM platform to create a digital resume and link to showcase what they have been doing and who they are by adding photos, writing, press releases, awards etc. This link will take you to an informative talk about how to use LIFESTREAM to boost your application. All ACC clients get a free 5-year account.

Want to get your student a Lifestream account?

You can get 10% off using BLUEPRINT-B and for current clients just use ACCLee22 when you sign-up.  If you have any questions or have trouble signing up, please contact CustomerService@LifeStreamDigital.com.

For more information, here is the video from our LifeStream presentation in August. https://youtu.be/L7OLvtD2Wuc


FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xtRCPyi-kvt_Leg6nxS7PluHYNr-d-kruo_S48ksXP0/edit?usp=sharing

About the founder:

Anne Sullivan is the Founder & CEO of LifeStream Digital Innovations, LLC, a leading provider of dimensional intelligence solutions. Anne is an innovative entrepreneur, start-up expert, and global speaker who has held executive positions in both technology and education for more than 20 years. She has spoken at various conferences around the world on topics including how to use assessment results to inform instruction or admission decisions and consistently advocates for a holistic approach when evaluating students. Anne has extensive knowledge of the educational assessment and evaluation process, data infrastructure, and data analysis, and has enjoyed supporting student success since 2008. Known for her ability to bring data together and interpret it in a way that people can understand and relate to, Anne is now the Founder and CEO of LifeStream Digital Innovations, LLC, working to provide online solutions that are user-friendly, actionable, and encourage holistic evaluation and social-emotional strength.
